Ad Revenue


Monetize your web stories by integrating ad networks like Google AdSense. Earn money when viewers engage with or click on ads embedded in your stories.

By Time Of Universe

Affiliate Marketing


Incorporate affiliate links into your web stories. When viewers make a purchase through these links, you earn a commission. Choose products or services relevant to your content.

By Time Of Universe

Subscription Models


Offer premium content or early access to subscribers. Use platforms that support subscription models for web stories, allowing users to pay for exclusive access.

By Time Of Universe

Sponsored Stories


Collaborate with brands for sponsored content. Create web stories that feature their products or services, and earn income through sponsorship deals.

By Time Of Universe

Sell Digital Products


Create and sell digital products related to your web stories, such as e-books, templates, or exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Use platforms like Gumroad or Etsy for distribution.

By Time Of Universe



Develop branded merchandise associated with your web stories, such as T-shirts, mugs, or stickers. Sell these items through an online store or third-party platforms.

By Time Of Universe

License Content


License your web stories to other platforms or media outlets. Earn royalties or upfront payments for the use of your content in various contexts.

By Time Of Universe

Create Online Courses


Share your expertise by creating online courses related to the themes of your web stories. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable can help you monetize your knowledge

By Time Of Universe

By Time Of Universe